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Documentation Requirements for Vessels, ASME Code Section VIII, Div 1 and 2 [Complete Revision]
standard by Process Industry Practices, 03/01/2012

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This Practice provides data forms and the associated instructions for specifying requirements for pressure vessels constructed in accordance with ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division 1 or Division 2, henceforth referred to as the Code. Requirements that are specific to Code, Section VIII, Division 2 are shown in braces { }.

This Practice contains three data forms for providing requirements for cylindrical pressure vessels having internal design pressures equal to or greater than 15 psig (103 kPa) and/or full vacuum external pressure at the top of the vessel in its normal operating position, and are welded, shop- and field-fabricated, and in accordance with the requirements of the Code, Section VIII, Division 1 {or Division 2}.

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