The only comprehensive swimming pool code coordinated with the current requirements in the I-Codes and APSP standards. Developed with the Association of Pool & Spa Professionals (APSP), the ISPSC will establish minimum regulations for public and residential pools, spas, and hot tubs using prescriptive and performance-related provisions. The ISPSC integrates seamlessly with the family of I-Codes and contains requirements that meet or exceed the Virginia Graeme Baker Act. The ISPSC also contains APSP-7 Standard for Suction Entrapment Avoidance.
Important changes in the ISPSC include:
It was clarified that flotation tank systems for sensory deprivation therapy are not within the scope of the ISPSC.
Hot water storage tanks are now required to be listed and labeled to a standard.
New sections were introduced into the code to cover solar thermal water heating systems. Installation requirements refer to the IMC.