D1.1 spells out the requirements for design, procedures, qualifications, fabrication, inspection and repair of steel structures made of tubes, plate and structural shapes that are subject to either static or cyclic loading.
In addition to the editorial changes to the text and commentary to improve clarity and understanding of the provisions of the code, the following have been undertaken in the D1.1:2015 edition:
All tubular provisions, tables, and figures moved to a new “Tubular Structures” Clause and corresponding new section of commentary
Incorporation of AWS A5.36, Specification for Carbon and Low-Alloy Steel Flux Cored Electrodes for Flux Cored Arc Welding and Metal Cored Electrodes for Gas Metal Arc Welding
Steels not recommended for PWHT: added ASTM A709 Grade HPS 100W [HPS 690W] and deleted ASTM A709 100 (690) and 100W (690W)
Clarification regarding calculation of effective throat of a combination PJP flare bevel groove weld and fillet weld
Additional provisions for wrapping welds on opposite sides of a common plane to permit seal welding
Fatigue curve cases and figures revised to align with AISC 360
Qualification and prequalification:
Clarification of conditions for backing other than steel in prequalified WPSs
Reorganization and update of tables for prequalified base metals and filler metals and alignment with table for prequalified preheat and interpass temperature
New figure for prequalified fillet weld joint details
New figure for prequalified CJP groove, T-, and corner joints
Clarification of CVN Test requirements for sub-sized specimens
Clarification of baking requirements for low-hydrogen electrodes for ASTM A514 and A517 steels
Clarification of preheat and interpass temperature requirements for combinations of base metals
Updated requirements fo rbacking and for substrate cleanliness
Clarification of provisions for oxygen gouging
Clarification when locations of the depth of the web from tension flanges of beams or girders are considered outside the tension zone for tack welds and construction aid welds
Revisions to the location and sequence of member and element splices
Clarification of weld profile requirements
Clarification regarding retesting based on quality of work
New table for qualification and calibrations requirements of U/T equipment
Clarification regarding calibration for sensitivity and horizontal sweep of U/T equipment
New figures to clarify effective throat for various joint types and combinations
Terms and definitions are now normative
Sample welding forms extensively revised
Safe practices has been deleted – Clause 1 includes references for safety
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