AWS A5.17/A5.17M PDF

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Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding

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AWS 07/01/2019 48
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AWS A5.17/A5.17M – Specification for Carbon Steel Electrodes and Fluxes for Submerged Arc Welding

AWS A5.17/A5.17M-19 prescribes requirements for the classification of carbon steel electrodes (both solid and composite) and flux-electrode combinations for submerged arc welding. Two-run flux-electrode classification is not addressed in this specification, but is addressed in AWS A5.23/A5.23M.

This specification makes use of both U.S. Customary Units and the International System of Units (SI). The measurements are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system must be used independently of the other without combining in any way when referring to weld metal properties. The specification with the designation A5.17 uses U.S. Customary Units. The specification A5.17M uses SI units. The latter are shown within brackets [ ], in appropriate columns in tables and figures and in paragraphs numbered with an “M” suffix. Standard dimensions based on either system may be used for the sizing of electrodes, packaging or both under A5.17 or A5.17M specifications.

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