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Standard Test Method for Determining Air Flow Through the Face and Sides of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen

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ASTM 01/01/2019 8
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ASTM E2319 – Standard Test Method for Determining Air Flow Through the Face and Sides of Exterior Windows, Curtain Walls, and Doors Under Specified Pressure Differences Across the Specimen

1.1 This test method is a modified version of Test Method E283, and provides a standard laboratory procedure for determining air leakage separately through the face and sides of exterior windows, curtain walls, and doors under specified differential pressure conditions across the specimen. The test method described is for tests with constant temperature and humidity across the specimen.

Note 1: Detailing buildings with continuous air barriers requires that the air barrier plane in a window system be clearly defined. When special circumstances dictate that the air barrier be sealed to the window frame at a location other than that used to seal the specimen to the test chamber in this test method, additional laboratory testing may be required to clarify potential paths of air flow through the sides of the window frame. The adapted testing procedure described herein is intended for this purpose.

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