BS BIP 0025-2 – Effective records management. Practical implementation of BS ISO 15489-1
This book complements PD ISO/TR 15489-2 and provides an alternative, easily accessible and practical guide for anyone who wishes to implement BS ISO 15489-1, but in particular for new or non-records management professionals. It is a formatted and re-printed version of PD 0025-2:2002. To be read in conjunction with BS ISO 15489-1:2001
Cross References: AS 4390-1/6:1996 BS ISO/IEC 17799:2000 BS 7799-2:1999 BS EN ISO 9000 BS EN ISO 14001:1996 BS ISO 15489-1:2001 BIP 0025-1:2002 BIP 0025-3:2003 PD ISO/TR 15489-2:2001